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We are drowning in plastic packaging.
But there is a better way.
Home: Welcome

The Pack Green Coalition is a nonprofit 501(c)6 organization that educates and advocates for meaningful policies and laws to advance the replacement of unnecessary plastic in packaging supply chains with sustainable alternatives.


There are many organizations focused on solving the plastic problem. But the Pack Green Coalition is unique in its efforts to both promote sustainable packaging alternatives and advocate for laws and policies to level the playing field for innovative companies that make better choices. We play a critical role in advancing the global transition to a circular economy.


​Why is this work so important? An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enters the world's ocean each year - the equivalent of dumping a garbage truck of plastic waste into the ocean every minute. According to Trivium Packaging’s 2022 Global Buying Green Report, 13% of customers would be willing to pay 10% more for products in sustainable packaging.

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Communication: We provide our members with the tools they need to share their sustainability stories in an authentic and meaningful way. Join us.
Research: Our research provides information that is critical to developing the resources we need to shift away from unnecessary plastic packaging. Learn more.

Advocacy & Lobbying: we are a unified lobbying front and go-to resource for policymakers who advance meaningful legislative change. Get info.

Choosing better packaging can help protect the planet – and your bottom line.

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